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Prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis treatment in nursing home residents with known osteoporosis or recent fracture




Summary: We studied nursing home residents with osteoporosis or recent fracture to determine the frequency and predictors of osteoporosis treatment. There was wide variation in performance, and both clinical and systems variables predicted use. This study shows that improvement in osteoporosis care is possible and important for many nursing homes.INTRODUCTION: We determined the prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis evaluation and treatment in high-risk nursing home residents.METHODS: We identified 67 nursing facilities in North Carolina and Arizona with \u3e 10 residents with osteoporosis or recent hip fracture. Medical records (n=895) were abstracted for osteoporosis evaluation [dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), vitamin D level, serum calcium), treatment (calcium, vitamin D, osteoporosis medication, hip protectors), clinical, and systems covariates. Data were analyzed at the facility level using mixed models to account for the complex nesting of residents within providers and nursing facilities.RESULTS: Calcium and vitamin D was prescribed for 69% of residents, bisphosphonates for 19%, calcitonin for 14%, other pharmacologic therapies for 6%, and hip protectors for 2%. Overall, 36% received any bone protection (medication or hip protectors), with wide variation among facilities (0-85%). Factors significantly associated with any bone protection included female gender [odds ratio (OR) 2.4, (1.5-3.7)] and nonurban/suburban location [1.5, (1.1-2.2)]. Residents with esophagitis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), or dysphagia [0.6, (0.4-0.9)] and alcohol abuse [0.2, (0.0-0.9)] were less likely to receive treatment.CONCLUSIONS: There is substantial variation in the quality of osteoporosis treatment across nursing homes. Interventions that improve osteoporosis quality of care are needed.
机译:摘要:我们研究了患有骨质疏松症或近期骨折的疗养院居民,以确定骨质疏松症治疗的频率和预测因素。性能差异很大,临床和系统变量均可预测使用情况。这项研究表明,改善骨质疏松症的护理对许多疗养院来说都是可能且重要的。引言:我们确定了高危疗养院居民中骨质疏松症评估和治疗的患病率和预测因素方法:我们在北卡罗来纳州和亚利桑那州确定了67个护理设施10位患有骨质疏松症或近期髋部骨折的居民。提取医学记录(n = 895)进行骨质疏松症评估[双能X线骨密度仪(DXA),维生素D水平,血清钙),治疗(钙,维生素D,骨质疏松症药物,髋部保护器),临床和系统协变量在设施级别使用混合模型对数据进行了分析,以说明提供者和护理设施内居民的复杂嵌套。结果:69%的居民处方了钙和维生素D,双膦酸盐为19%,降钙素为14%,其他药理是疗法占6%,髋部保护器占2%。总体而言,有36%的人接受了任何骨骼保护(药物或髋部保护器),设施之间的差异很大(0-85%)。与任何骨骼保护措施均显着相关的因素包括女性[比值比(OR)2.4,(1.5-3.7)]和非城市/郊区位置[1.5,(1.1-2.2)]。食道炎,消化性溃疡疾病(PUD)或吞咽困难[0.6,(0.4-0.9)]和酗酒[0.2,(0.0-0.9)]的居民接受治疗的可能性较小。结论:质量有很大差异疗养院的骨质疏松症治疗需要改善骨质疏松症护理质量的干预措施。


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